
Showing posts from 2017

Moving to So Cal

Well folks, I'm moving to Sierra Madre, CA ( coincidence that my dog is named 'Sierra' as well? ) in July, 2017. So does that mean my So Nevada information will stop and decease? Not by a long shot. I'm planning to return at least every other month .. do AirBnb and continue adding to my So Nevada pages. My last month here, June, you will start seeing dog hikes in the Mt Charleston area . There are a ton so it will take me some time to fill up that category. In the meantime .. I will start adding dog hikes in and around So Calif but mostly around Sierra Madre, CA which includes the Angeles National Forest .. and the very challenging Mt Wilson Trail.

Sierra it is!

Starting in November, 2016, I started looking for a four legged hiking and backpacking partner.  I wanted a canine that would have enough endurance to last on a 10+ mile hike as well as being off-leash. I did most of my initial research using an article titled 15 Best Dog Breeds for Hiking Buddies I zeroed in on 3 breeds: Labrador Retriever, Border Collie and an Australian Shepard. I also decided I did not a puppy but rather a young dog between 2 and 5 years old.  I searched many breeders and rescues .. with many false starts. Finally .. I found a 3 year old female Aussie mix (I'm told part setter) from a rescue organization, Perfect Pet Rescue , in Venice, CA with a photo and description that came pretty darn close to my needs. Her name is Sierra .. and I'm told the original owners discarded her because she was eating their chickens! ( fine with me, I don't eat meat anyway ). Her name was Sierra .. and I decided not to change her name as I plan on spending many days

History of Hikes with Photos

Wilson Pimple 2017-04-05   Cottonwood Valley Loop 2017_0402   Mountain Spring Peak Plus 2017-03-29    📷 Muffins with Sierra 2017-03-26 Windy Peak 2017-03-19 Fossil Ridge via Boneshaker 2017-03-17 Fossil Ridge 2017-03-14 First Creek 2017-03-03 Arnight - Oak Creek Knoll 2017-03-02